
This seminar has finished

(cancel)Workshop on Intercultural Communication in Educational and Research activities

Date and time
2020.03.09 (Mon) 13:00-15:00
Hokkaido University Multimedia Education Building, 3rd floor, Studio-type seminar room

Dr. Mazur Michal (Assistant Professor, IAHE, Hokkaido University)

Those who are belonging to higher education facilities (including graduate students)
40 participants (on a first come first served basis)
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 The globalization of Japanese higher education brought people from different cultural backgrounds into classrooms. Studying and working in an international environment opposes many challenges, as we must cooperate with people from different parts of the world, in daily life, research activities, laboratories, and classrooms. It is a difficult task to build a good relationship with various collaborators without causing a cultural misunderstanding.
 This workshop is intended for faculty members and graduate students who want to build a better relationship with international peers and acquire effective skills at cross-cultural communication. You will learn to interpret and respond to different communication styles, as well as how to be more culturally sensitive. We will also give some tips about dealing with common problems students and faculty may encounter. Together, we will discuss and explore solutions for these problems.