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(cancel)Lecture ‘‘Multidisciplinary collaboration and Recent Developments on Children’s Safety’’

Date and time
2020.03.06 (Fri) 14:00-15:30
Hokkaido University Multimedia Education Building, 3rd floor, Studio type Seminar Room

Ms. Emiko Miyata

People those who have interest with Safety Education for Children
80 participants (on first come first served basis)
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 Children no matter what ages they are, they are very easy to be involved in various crimes. As we can see in daily TV news, big cases, such as abuse, kidnapping, and bullying, appear one after another. These crimes require social efforts to keep children from being victims or attackers.
 Therefore, CTL Hokkaido invite Mieko MIYATA, Ms. Mieko MIYATA who set up the Japan Children’s Safety Education Research institute, to give us a lecture on child crime prevention measures. Ms. MIYATA has studied and followed this subject for a long time and has been active in various media such as television and newspapers. She will talk about the recent development of researches, such as analysis of the cases where the victim is a child, safety education, school safety, and local community crime prevention activities.
 For children, from their birth to their entrance of the school, if the continuous support of specialists is possible, we can quickly recognize the mental situation of children, for example when there is abuse or bully. This Lecture focus on multidisciplinary cooperation, according to the child’s different needs. Therefore, if you are parents who have pre-adult children, children studying at elementary or junior high schools, or you are doing welfare-related work, welcome to our lecture.