
This seminar has finished

Lecture “Basics of Learning Assessment”

Date and time
2019.06.11 (Tue) 17:15-18:30
Hokkaido University Multimedia Education Building, 3rd floor, Studio-type seminar room

Dr. Kenichi YAMAMOTO (Associate Professor, IAHE, Hokkaido University)

Those who are belonging to higher education facilities (including graduate-students)
80 participants (on a first come first served basis)
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 Evaluation done in the class is not just for grading. The purpose of the evaluation is to help the learner to confirm whether the learner is progressing towards the course goals; also, help the teachers to check whether classes that promote learning are developed. The situations like “Although I thoroughly advanced my class, why I cannot get good scores at a regular examination?” are unfortunate for both teachers and learners.
 What kind of evaluation should we do as faculty members to support and promote learners’ learning with not only “evaluation of learning” but also “evaluation for learning” during the class, while being constantly aware of improvement of classes? Our lecturer will talk about the basics of learning evaluation.
 This lecture will focus on acquiring basic knowledge and skills on learning evaluation which is one of the necessary elements for designing classes.

On the day