
This seminar has finished

Lecture: Correct understanding and practice of Active Learning

Date and time
2019.05.24 (Fri) 17:15-18:30
Hokkaido University Multimedia Education Building, 3rd floor, Studio type Seminar Room

Kenichi YAMAMOTO (Associate Professor, IAHE, Hokkaido University)

Those who are belonging to higher education facilities (including graduate-students)
80 participants (on a first come first served basis)
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The term Active Learning (AL) has not only spread through the faculty members, but also students. According to that, the class form is also changing little by little. However, opinions of teachers, like: “There is too much knowledge I need to teach, that I can’t choose the way of teaching other than lecture.”, and the opinions of students, like “I am tired of teachers making students talk about something, it’s easier to listen to the teacher” has been heard.

There must be a lot of people who feel that, it seems easy to make a class encouraging students to learn independently, but it’s truly difficult in practice. In this lecture, we will practice the AL class, and talk about the various issues such as what are the obstacles which stops the generalization of AL throughout the school. And let’s think about what we could do for figuring out those problems.

The subjects we will talk about are issues must be figured out by not only individual teachers but also the members throughout the school. Therefore, it could also be useful for the staff members.

On the day