
This seminar has finished

English communication training

Date and time
2019.03.09 (Sat) 10:00-17:00
Hokkaido University Multimedia Education Building, 3rd Floor, Studio type Seminar Room

With progressing globalization of society and an increasing number of international students it is expected that the number of university faculty and staff member able to communicate in English will also increase.
This course is designed to facilitate the exchange of work with international students and foreign faculty members in the university by using simple English. It will be conducted in English by a foreign lecturer.
The training will be in English, and those who want to acquire the minimum necessary business English conversation skills are eligible to participate. Others, who are good at English conversation and want to improve their conversation skills further are not the target.
The application form will be displayed from the application reception date, 2019/2/12.


2019/3/9 (Fri.) 10:00 – 17:00 (A lunch break in the middle)


Hokkaido University Multimedia Education Building, 3rd floor, Studio-type seminar room (Kita 17, Nishi 8, Kita-Ku, Sapporo)


Alan Demsky, Teacher from ALC Press Inc.
-Alan Demsky from Toronto, Canada, started his career
in education by opening his own company in 2006,
teaching fundamental life skills through the chessboard
and mathematics intensives. In the last 7 years, he has
been a consultant in Japan helping clients reach their
communicative goals through extensive training in the
areas of necessity. Through adaptive methods of
communicative learning, he is able to help clients
maximize their business communication potential
through rigorous training, brainstorming sessions and
discussions in a clear and concise manner.


About 20 people (selected by a lot)


Japanese and English

Application period

2019/2/12 (Tue.) noon – 15 (Fri.) noon

Participation fee

Participation is free of charge, but you will be responsible for transportation expenses etc. for participation in this training.


When applying, each applicant receives an automatic mail with a confirmation of the registration for an event. Please be aware that this is unrelated to the final acceptance of your event attendance.
In the event that the application exceeds the capacity limit, participants will be selected by a lot and results will be reported to all applicants.
If the cancellation occurs after the participant is selected, we do not extend the capacity or take more applications.
The application form will be displayed from the application reception date, 2019/2/12.
We will inform you about the acceptance or rejection to the email address you entered on the application form. Therefore, please use a personal address, not a common address such as the one belonging to your department, etc.
Because the target audience of this training is teaching staff, we may exclude some applicants from the lottery if there is no mention of “position” or “status” in the application form.

