
This seminar has finished

Improving hybrid classes based on student and faculty survey results

Date and time
2021.03.23 (Tue) 10:30-12:00
Zoom Webinar

Dr. Kenichi YAMAMOTO (Associate Professor, IAHE, Hokkaido University)

Higher education facilities
300 participants
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Classes during this last semester at Hokkaido University have mostly been conducted online, although some were also held in person when possible.

How did students find of these teaching styles and how did instructors conduct their classes?

Students and faculty at the university responded via surveys held earlier this year, the results of which reveal the perceptions students and teachers hold towards online classes.

This seminar provides the opportunity to address what needs to be done to improve the quality of hybrid classes, which may likely become commonplace for universities in the future.

While both students and faculty identified many positive aspects related to online teaching, it also became apparent that there are many challenges.

As faculty members, we need to always consider what needs to be done to support student learning and their experiences at university.

■ How to apply
Please apply using the following URL:

■ How to participate on the day
After registering, you will receive an email from with the seminar name in the subject line confirming your registration.
To join the meeting, please click on the link indicated by “Please click this URL to joinin that email.
If prompted, please also enter your name and email address.
Microphone and video settings:
Participants will not be able to turn on their microphone or camera during this seminar.

Q&A participation:
Questions will be collected via “Slido” where you will be able to submit your questions. Slido is an online service which allows real-time questions, comments, and polling.
You can participate anonymously.
Please visit
Event code: #CTL0323

■ Handouts
The handouts for this seminar will be sent on the day before the event to the email address you registered so that you can have them ready for the day.