
This seminar has finished

Intercultural communication in Educational Activities

Date and time
2021.09.30 (Thu) 13:30-15:30
Zoom meeting

Dr. Michal Mazur (Assistant Professor, IAHE, Hokkaido University)

Faculty members of higher education facilities
about 25 applicants (first come first served basis)
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Higher education in Japan has been facing a growing need to globalize. An increasing number of overseas students who are of diverse cultural and educational backgrounds are now studying together. In a global environment, everyone will face a variety of challenges including the necessity to communicate with people of different cultural backgrounds in their research activities, daily life, classrooms, and laboratories.
Some of you may be concerned about how to build prime relationships with overseas collaborators to improve the efficiency of your joint research projects without causing a cultural misunderstanding.
 This workshop helps you acquire effective cross-cultural communication skills and gives you tips how to appreciate different cultures and deal with typical issues that you or your students may encounter (e.g., culture shock). We will also discuss and explore the solutions for the problems that participants have.

How to join this seminar
Please fill out the registration form on the below site to register.

How to participate on the day
When you pre-register, you will receive an email from “”with the name of the seminar in the subject line.
Please click on the “Click here to join” link in the email.
Please fill in the required information as necessary.

On the day