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Hybrid Learning: Opportunities for Creative, Flexible Course Design

Date and time
2021.12.10 (Fri) 10:00-12:00
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 Hybrid learning opens up new opportunities for instructors to design creative and effective learning experiences for students. Professors around the world are working to combine their best online teaching approaches and materials with active learning strategies during the face-to-face components of a hybrid course.
 Join us to explore how hybrid learning approaches can be used to support effective group work and promote interpersonal interaction between diverse students. During the session you will reflect on how you can structure the course and how to set up group assignments in a way that supports student success and helps students navigate learning materials in the hybrid environment.
 Visiting speaker Dr. Nanda Dimitrov (Simon Fraser University, Canada) will share examples from different disciplines and from different university settings in Canada. The first 30 minutes will focus on the impact of COVID-19 on university education in Canada, and the remaining 90 minutes will be devoted to a workshop, which will include a lecture, as well as the time for discussion among the participants.

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How to participate on the day
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On the day