
This seminar has finished

Introductory training to Academic Presentations

Date and time
2018.12.15 (Sat) 13:00-16:00
Hokkaido University Multimedia Education Building, 3rd Floor, Studio type Seminar Room

There are many opinions, like: “What matters are the contents of presentation (research contents) and the presentation skills are not that important”. Is that so? It is obvious that the contents should be good. However, no matter how good the contents are – if they don’t convey your thoughts you cannot receive advice from other researchers, your research cannot spread to others and you cannot acquire funds, etc.
There are quite few people who have felt the difficulty of communicating the way they intended in a limited time such as conference presentations. Presentations can be done to some extent by getting used to it, but it is not something that can be improved simply by getting accustomed to.
To acquire the basic knowledge, skills and attitude necessary for doing presentations, this training will be conducted in practical form. It is an introduction to find out what tasks are necessary for a presenter to create a presentation that is easy to transmit to others. It is a training for people who do not feel good at presentations and those who want to learn the basics. Participants will prepare an oral presentation using slides or a poster presentation.
※ This workshop will have same contents as the one carried out on July 7, 2018


2018/12/15 (Sat.) 13:00– 16:00 (Reception starts at 12:30)


Hokkaido University Multimedia Education Building, 3th floor, Studio type Seminar Room
(Kita 17, Nishi 8, Kita-Ku, Sapporo)


Kenichi YAMAMOTO (Associate Professor, Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education, Hokkaido University)


20 people who belong to Educational organizations on first-come first-served basis.




Since you will be presenting for 3-5 minutes in a group, please prepare and bring materials for the presentation (participants will be informed about the details in advance).



On the day