
This seminar has finished

English presentation training (Intermediate level)

Date and time
2018.03.06 (Tue) 9:00-17:00
Hokkaido University Multimedia Education Building, 4th floor, Multi-purpose classroom 2

It is not uncommon in Japan to hold international conferences that require giving presentations in English and opportunities to present research contents in English are increasing in many fields of science.
Therefore, we invited Mr. Anthony Carver from ALC Co. as a lecturer and 2-day intensive seminar will be held to improve presentation skills in English.


2018/3/6 (Tuesday) – 2018/3/7 (Wednesday)
9:00 – 17:00 (on both days)
(There is a lunch break halfway through the day)


Hokkaido University Multimedia Education Building, 4th floor, Multi-purpose classroom 2
(Kita 17, Nishi 8, Kita-Ku, Sapporo)


Applicants belonging to higher education facilities nationwide who have some prior experience of giving presentations in English at international conferences, etc. (part-time lecturers are also welcomed)


6 people (In case of many applicants, participants will be decided by a lot)


Mr. Anthony CARVER, ALC Inc.



Application reception

Wednesday, December 27, 2017 – February 7, 2018 (Wed)

Contact about the possibility of attendance

Regardless of whether the application exceeds the participants capacity or not – we will contact you regarding the acceptance of your attendance on 2/9 (Monday).
When applying, each applicant receives an automatic mail with a confirmation of the registration for an event. Please be aware that this is unrelated to the final acceptance of your event attendance.
In the event that the application exceeds the capacity limit, participants will be selected by a lot and results will be reported to all applicants.
If the cancellation occurs after the participant is selected, we do not extend the capacity or take more applications.


Please prepare a presentation for the event day by selecting one of the following topics related to your work or research.
1. About current work and research
2. About the undergraduate department / department to which you belong
3. About familiar products and services
4. Recent trends in your field of specialization
· Presentation time: 5-7 minutes
· Presentation software (PowerPoint): Within 10 slides




Pictures from the event

On the day