
This seminar has finished

Applying project management skills in research and education

Date and time
2022.06.04 (Sat) 13:00-17:00
Global Research Center for Food and Medical Innovation (FMI) 2F

King To Chu Project Management Institute (PMI) Certified Instructor

Open to faculties and staffs of Hokkaido University
20 Participants
Application period
2022/5/31 (Tue.) 12:00
Study materials related to the main PMs will be provided in advance in the form of videos (8 videos, each approximately 10-12 minutes in length). A link to videos will be sent to participants one week prior to the event. Participants will be asked to watch the videos and familiarize themselves with the content before the workshop.
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Co-organized by: Nitobe College & Center for Teaching and Learning


In this Faculty Development Seminar, Hokkaido University faculty and instructors for Nitobe College for Graduate Students will study both Project Management (PM) and its application to educational and research activities using PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge). PMBOK is a systematic compilation of knowledge and skills related to PM and it is currently pervading all over the world as a global standard for PM. In doing so, participants will become able to more adequately plan logistics for large scale projects such as cross-disciplinary research, formulate more accurate timeframes for project completion, and better facilitate interactions in team projects. On the other hand, these PM skills are also highly effective for projects that are carried out alone or with a small number of people, and for medium- to long-term business execution. It is a useful skill for all faculty and staff, regardless of the size of the project involved. We welcome the participation of many people.

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