
This seminar has finished

Teaching in English (Basic course)

Date and time
2022.07.01 (Fri) 15:30-17:00
Hokkaido University Multimedia Education Building, 3rd floor, Studio-type seminar room

Dr. Michal Mazur (Assistant Professor, IAGE, Hokkaido University)

Belonging to higher education facilities (applications on first come first served basis)
40 applicants
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Organized by: Center for Teaching and Learning, IAGE,Hokkaido University

 In response to the growing number of overseas students and the globalization of higher education, the number of classes conducted in English is increasing. In culturally diverse classrooms, simply switching the language from Japanese to English may not result in a successful delivery. Some students may feel less motivated just because the class is conducted in English. Teaching in English is not as simple as translating your materials, but instead requires a greater understanding of yourself and your students.

What are the main points to consider while teaching a class in English, both face-to-face and online? What are the strategies to overcome teaching anxiety and to be more confident in the classroom? In this seminar, participants will learn some basics of how to teach in English and have an opportunity to exchange experiences through interpersonal dialogues. This introductory seminar is intended for those who may conduct classes in English in the near future. Teachers who are already teaching in English are welcome to participate, though an advanced seminar is planned for a later date.

※Face to face only

On the day