
This seminar has finished

Practical Facilitation

-Concepts and skills to improve quality of business meetings-

Date and time
2023.11.17 (Fri) 17:00-19:00
Hokkaido University Multimedia Education Building、 3rd floor、 Studio-type seminar room

Mr. Hidenori MATANO (Faculty of Regional Collaboration / Center for Creative Learning Development、Kochi University)

Faculty and staff of higher education institutions
30 applicants (On first come first served basis)
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Organized by: Center for Teaching and Learning、 IAGE、 Hokkaido University

  In discussions and meetings, facilitation skills are essential. Facilitation is the practice of deepening discussions and achieving results by creating an environment where all participants can easily commit. Meetings where the same individuals always dominate the discussions or where the opinions of specific people are consistently emphasized cannot be considered good and effective.
 Therefore, we will hold a facilitation training workshop with Mr. Hidenori MATANO of Kochi University who will teach the basics of facilitation.
 You will learn how to distinguish between three types of business meetings, differentiate between the content and process of discussions, and how to actively listen and ask questions.
 We encourage the participation of faculty and staff who frequently lead discussions and those who wish to acquire facilitation skills.

Due to various circumstances, our standard application form is currently closed. We kindly request that you submit your application through the link provided below.
Thank you very much for your application and participation.

On the day