
This seminar has finished

Teaching in English (Basic)

Date and time
2023.06.09 (Fri) 15:00-17:00
Hokkaido University Multimedia Education Building, 3rd floor, Studio-type seminar room
Face-to-Face Style

Dr. Michal Mazur (Assistant Professor, IAGE, Hokkaido University)

Faculty members belonging to higher education facilities (including graduate students).
maximum 40 participants
Application period
2023/6/8 (Thu.) 12:00
View poster

Organized by: Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), IAGE, Hokkaido University

 With the increasing number of overseas students contributing to the globalization of higher education, more and more classes are being conducted in English. However, simply switching from Japanese to English in culturally diverse classrooms may not result in a successful delivery. The language shift may demotivate some students, and teaching in English requires a deeper understanding from both the teacher and the students, beyond just translating materials.
 This seminar aims to address the essential considerations when teaching a class in English, whether face-to-face or online. It will provide effective strategies for overcoming teaching anxiety and building confidence in the classroom. Participants will gain a solid foundation in teaching in English and have the opportunity to share experiences and learn from each other through collaborative group work to facilitate learning and will provide participants with hands-on experience. It is tailored to individuals who may teach classes in English in the future, although teachers who already teach in English are also welcome to participate. Additionally, an Advanced seminar is planned for a later date.

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