
This seminar has finished

English presentation training
(Intermediate level)

Date and time
2023.02.10 (Fri) - 2023.02.13 (Mon) 9:00-17:00
Zoom seminar

Mr. Anthony Carver (ALC Press, Inc.)

Applicants belonging to higher education facilities nationwide who have some prior experience of giving presentations in English at international conferences, etc. (part-time lecturers and graduate students are also welcomed)
6 people (In case of many applicants, participants will be decided by a lot)
Application period
January 30, 2023 (Mon.) 12:00
View poster

Organized by: Center for Teaching and Learning, IAGE, Hokkaido University

 It is not uncommon in Japan to hold international conferences that require giving presentations in English and opportunities to present research contents in English are increasing in many fields of science. If we cannot make a presentation that conveys to the audience, we cannot obtain further feedback through questioning and answering. However, there are not many opportunities to learn about how to make the presentation in English.

 Therefore, we invited Mr. Jean Pierre Corbeil from ALC Press Inc. as a lecturer, and 2-day intensive seminar will be held to improve presentation skills in English.

LecturerMr. Anthony Carver

(MA Japanese Language and Society, Sheffield University)
Since 2004, Anthony has conducted workshops focusing on improving the communication skills of customers possessing a wide range of English abilities at over 100 companies in Japan. Anthony’s teaching style has been described as energetic. At the same time, he takes his participants’ learning very seriously. For this reason, his workshops have always been rated highly.Keen to keep improve his own communication and business skills, he has presented at international conferences, participated in business planning competitions, and published articles related to human resources alongside his activities as an instructor.


TIMEDay 1Day 2
(AEA Handbook)
What is an Effective Presentation?
Benchmark Presentations
(AEA Handbook)
Concepts, language & practice activities

Concepts, language & practice activities

Concepts, language & practice activities

Final Preparation
Concepts, language & practice activities

Structure I
Concepts, language & practice activities

Structure II
Concepts, language & practice activities

Review & Homework
Final Presentations

Course Review & Action-planning
(AEA Handbook)

Program PDF


・Please prepare a work-related presentation on one of the following topics:
1.Your present work/study/research topic
2.Your faculty/department in your university
3.Product(s)/Service(s) you are familiar with
4.Recent trends in your field
· Presentation time: 5-7 minutes long
·Presentation software (PowerPoint): Within 10 slides

important notice

・The training will be held on February 10 (Fri.) and February 13 (Mon.).Please register only if you are able to attend both.
・When applying, each applicant receives an automatic mail with a confirmation of the registration.

 However, it is unrelated to the final acceptance.

・If the number of applications exceeds the capacity, a strict lottery will be held and all applicants will be informed of the result by February 3(Fri) by email.
 Enquiries regarding the lottery method and lottery results will not be answered.

・The email address you enter in the application form will be used to inform you whether or not you can attend the seminar.
 Therefore, you have to use your personal email address, not the shared one of your department or section.
・Please enter your mailing address where the textbooks will be sent to you at a later date.

 ※Please note that this information will not be used for any other purpose than to send the textbooks for this seminar.