
This seminar has finished

“Navigating the Next Wave: Preparing for the Future of Education”

Date and time
2023.03.17 (Fri) 15:30-17:00
Zoom Webinar

Thomas Tribelhorn, MSc/CAS: Head of Educational Development Unit, University of Bern

Faculty members of higher education facilities.
About 500 applicants first come first served basis
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The next wave has arrived – it won’t be the last. Just as we have all learned to teach online and use digital media for activation at a breathtaking pace, the next wave has already arrived – and it is powerful and will flush us into a new dimension of teaching and learning.
Today it is artificial intelligence, what will it be tomorrow? How can educational institutions prepare for it?
This online session will report on experiences of educational development from Switzerland.
Exemplary strategies and projects will be used to show how the University of Bern is trying to prepare for the challenges posed by upcoming trends in education and technology.

ProfileThomas Tribelhorn heads the Educational Development Unit at the University of Bern.

After training in electronics, he studied psychology and completed various further training courses in e-learning and higher education. He leads workshops for university teachers in Switzerland and in international networks, advises teams on reforms and developments of study programs and develops online tools for self-analysis for university teachers.
 His areas of interest are psychology of learning, evidence-based higher education teaching, digitalization in education, factors of high-impact and high-quality teaching, student self-regulation, and team and higher education development.

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On the day