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The future of online education: results of student and faculty surveys

Date and time
2022.05.30 (Mon) 15:30-17:00
Zoom Webinar

Dr. Yu TACHIBANA(Specially Appointed Lecturer, IAGE, Hokkaido University)

Higher education facilities
300 participants
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Organized by: Center for Teaching and Learning, IAGE, Hokkaido University

 In response to the pandemic, many higher education institutions adapted to the situation by developing classes that incorporate online elements on a large scale. How did students perceive the teaching during this period and how did instructors react to online teaching? Students and faculty at the university responded via surveys held earlier this year, the results of which reveal the perceptions students and teachers hold towards online classes.
 In the past two years of actual practice, both students and faculty have come to recognize the advantages and disadvantages of online classes. How can we apply our accumulated practices of these years to the current situation in which face-to-face teaching is strongly recommended? What should be the direction of future teaching of university education, incorporating online methods, in anticipation of the next possible pandemic? What should we, as faculty members, do to support students’ learning and university life?
This seminar will be an opportunity to think about and discuss these issues together.

How to Apply

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