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Hokkaido University’s efforts to achieve the SDGs through education and research activities

Date and time
2022.06.28 (Tue) 15:30-16:45
Zoom Webinar (URL to be sent following registration)

Atsushi Yokota (Executive Vice President, Hokkaido University)
Makoto Demura (Assistant to the President, Professor, Hokkaido University)

300 participants (Faculty and staff of Hokkaido University, as well as those interested in the topic)
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Organized by: SDGs Initiative Office, Institute for the Advancement of Sustainability, Hokkaido University

Co-organized by: Center for Teaching and Learning, IAGE, Hokkaido University (co-organised)

 With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) now being set out around the world and initiatives in line with the SDGs being implemented in all industries, educational institutions also have an important role to play.
 Hokkaido University has received a high evaluation in the Impact Ranking (an evaluation of the social contribution of universities using the framework of the UN SDGs) by Times Higher Education (THE), a UK-based higher education magazine, ranking first in Japan for three consecutive years from FY2020 and tenth out of 1,406 universities worldwide in the FY2022 overall rankings. In the National University Corporation’s fourth mid-term goals and plans (FY2022-2027), Hokkaido University, as a university that contributes to solving global issues, has set its sights on “contributing to the achievement of the SDGs”, promoting university-wide efforts to achieve the SDGs. In this context, what stance should university teachers take in contributing to the achievement of the SDGs, both in terms of professional education and research guidance?
 In this seminar, participants will learn (1) the history of the establishment and development of the University, which was established as Sapporo Agricultural School, and that the University has been working towards the achievement of sustainability and the SDGs through education and research since its establishment, (2) the activity plan of the SDGs Initiative Office of the Institute for the Advancement of Sustainability, and (3) the preparation status of SDG-related liberal arts and specialised subjects, etc., in which SDG natives will be enrolled in the future according to the new curriculum guidelines to be implemented in high schools from the year 2022. This seminar will be a valuable opportunity to think about SDGs in the context of our educational and research activities.

How to apply

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How to participate on the day

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To join the meeting, please click on the link indicated by “Please click this URL to join”in that email.
Please fill in the required information as necessary.

*There will be no camera setup for participants in this seminar. Microphone statements are also not allowed.