
This seminar has finished

Hokkaido FDSD Forum 2022

Date and time
2022.09.02 (Fri)  0:00-16:45
Online via Zoom Webinar and Zoom Meeting
Faculty members and staff of higher education facilities
Part 1: 300 people, Part 2: about 100 people per each Zoom Meeting
Entry fee
View poster

Organized by: Hokkaido FD/SD Council, Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), Institute for the Advancement of Graduate Education (IAGE),

 Every year on the first Friday of September, the Hokkaido FD/SD Council hosts a two-day FDSD Forum. Last year, the forum was held online over one day, and we have decided to repeat the same format this year. Reflecting on the last two years, we in higher education have worked hard to adapt and utilize ICT for online classes and remote work. Despite the unfamiliar online environment, both faculty and students have been eagerly learning and acquiring a wide range of knowledge.

 How do you see the situation this academic year? For the first time in three years, students have returned to the campus. Faculty members are teaching many classes face-to-face, even if all the students are not present due to infection or close contact with the coronavirus. Despite remote work no longer being permitted, administrative personnel are required to come to work and participate in online meetings.
 Over the last two years, we have faced numerous challenges. Returning to face-to-face meetings may help us forget about them. Now that face-to-face activities have resumed, the age of “With Corona” has begun, requiring us to discuss the state of higher education institutions in the coming years.

*Reporting parties for the Part 2 of the Individual Presentations are invited nationwide.
This application period has been extended and is now open. We look forward to your applications.
“Hokkaido FDSD Forum 2022 Call for Individual Presentations” and send your application by email.


Part 1 10:00~12:00  Symposium  “Challenges for Universities Revealed by the Corona Disaster”[REGISTRATION]

          Dr. Fumihiko Yamamoto (Executive Director and Vice-President, Hokkaido University(HU))
          Mr.Tsunetaka Miyabayashi (Head of the management section, Administration Division,
                       Advanced Institute of Industrial Technology(AIIT))

Part 2 13:00~16:10  Individual Presentations [REGISTRATION]

Part 3 16:15~16:45  Information Exchange Session

How to register and participate on the day

■How to register
The Symposium is held via Zoom Webinar, and the Individual Presentations via Zoom Meeting.

Please register to the session you wish to attend by clicking on the link in the program above.

■Participate on the day
After registering, you will receive a pre-registration completion email with the session name in the subject line from ‘’.
Join us by clicking on ‘Join Webinar’ or ‘Join Meeting’ links in the email.
Please enter your name and email address if required.