
This seminar has finished

Online Classroom Practices Consultation

Date and time
2021.05.07 (Fri) 13:30-15:00
Zoom Meeting

Dr. Kenichi YAMAMOTO (Associate Professor, IAHE, Hokkaido University)

Faculty members of higher education facilities
50 participants
View poster

Due to the impact of COVID-19, many universities are continuing to offer online classes this year. In addition, universities that offer face-to-face classes may be in a situation where they do not know when they will switch to online classes. According to the results of a survey of faculty members conducted by Hokkaido University and surveys conducted by other universities, there are a significant number of people who say that online classes will continue in the future and that they want them to be continued.

If this is the case, then we should not view online classes as a temporary measure, but rather seek ways to implement classes in more effective ways. Although university faculty members are considering student learning and are working on their online classes, we are sure that there are facing many challenges.

As such, we would like to hold a consultation to exchange information about online classroom practices, share concerns, and discuss solutions to problems. Knowing the efforts of various participants from different fields and institutions may help you improve your own classes. The lecturer will also provide feedback.

■ How to apply
Please apply using the following URL:

How to participate on the day
After registering, you will receive an email from with the seminar name in the subject line confirming your registration.
To join the meeting, please click on the link indicated by “Please click this URL to joinin that email.
If prompted, please also enter your name and email address.

Breakout rooms will be used to exchange opinions among participants.
Please bring your own microphone and camera.
We will also be using Miro, an online discussion board that is useful for online group work.
If possible, please create an account at least one day in advance.
You can make an account by visiting the →Miro website