
This seminar has finished

Developing Intercultural Communication
Competencies in Education

Date and time
2022.12.20 (Tue) 13:30-15:30
Zoom Meeting

Dr. Michal MAZUR
(Assistant Professor, IAGE, Hokkaido University)

Faculty members of higher education facilities (incl. graduate students)
40 applicants
Application period
2022/12/19 (Mon.) 12:00
View poster

Organized by: Center for Teaching and Learning, IAGE,Hokkaido University

With the growing need to develop culturally relevant teaching practices, incorporating intercultural skills into the teaching curriculum has become essential. As Japanese universities continue to internationalize and the number of foreign students and instructors gradually increases there is a growing need to foster intercultural competencies among students to prepare them for the global workplace. Representative policies which highlight this approach, such as the “Hokkaido University Global Vision 2040”, are examples of the university’s long-term strategy to foster internationalisation. This seminar will give some insight on how to foster globally minded individuals able to pursue mutual understanding with people from diverse countries with flexibility and open-mindedness, progressing towards an equitable, inclusive campus internationalisation in which diverse students, researchers, and faculty/staff members thrive.

By participating in this seminar, you will acquire some practical knowledge that will help you improve your course and contribute to the inclusive internationalisation of the campus. The contents will familiarize you with the concept of Intercultural Communication Competencies and give some real-life examples of integrating these skills into your classroom activities to support the development of students’ knowledge and their ability to succeed in a progressively globalising society. We will also discuss how Intercultural Competencies can be used to resolve various situations related to intercultural communication such as Culture Shock, etc. Through collaborative activities, such as Critical Incidents, participants will simulate situations of intercultural misunderstanding, and rehearse how to prepare themselves and students for future intercultural encounters.

How to participate on the day

After registering, you will receive an email from with the seminar name in the subject line confirming your registration.
To join the meeting, please click on the link indicated by “Please click this URL to join”in that email.
Please fill in the required information as necessary.

On the day