
This seminar has finished

Revise Your Syllabus in English

Date and time
2023.02.09 (Thu) 13:00-16:00
Zoom meeting

Dr. Michal MAZUR (Assistant Professor, IAGE, Hokkaido University)

from higher education facilities (incl. graduate students)
30 applicants (incl. graduate students) from higher education facilities (first come first served basis).
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Organized by: Center for Teaching and Learning, IAGE, Hokkaido University

 Although many classes have resumed face-to-face instruction, the number of COVID-19 infections remains high. It is important to consider the needs and safety of all class participants as the teaching situation continues to evolve. As such, it is advisable to keep this fluctuating situation in mind when planning classes for the coming year.
Therefore, we will hold a seminar to review and update your syllabus for next year. We will specifically be reviewing the classes held during the past three years of the COVID-19 pandemic. During previous years you may have submitted your syllabus without revising it. This seminar will review the concepts of developing a syllabus, allowing you to revise your class in comparison to others and identify areas for improvement.
This seminar will be conducted online, and breakout rooms will be used. Please ensure that you have a camera, microphone, and a stable network environment.
※ The content of this seminar is based on the seminar held on the January 21st (sat), and will be conducted in English.

How to join this seminar

Please fill out the registration form on the below site to register.
Thank you very much for your application and participation.

How to participate on the day

After registering, you will receive an email from with the seminar name in the subject line confirming your registration.
To join the meeting, please click on the link indicated by “click join the meeting”in that email.
Please fill in the required information as necessary.

*Please prepare your microphone and camera settings for workshop participation.

On the day