
Accepting reservations

Workshop on Getting Started with Hybrid Classes: Course Design Using the Classroom Design Toolkit

Date and time
2024/9/25 (Wed.) 14:00-17:00
(Reception starts at 13:40)
Hokkaido University Multimedia Education Building, 3rd floor, Studio-type seminar room
Face to Face

Dr. Mayumi Sugiura (Associate Professor, IAGE, Hokkaido University)

30 applicants from the faculty (including part-time faculty) and those who plan to implement classes
※Those who have no experience with hybrid classes are also welcome to attend.

In the workshop, we will discuss a single class session. Please bring your syllabus or lesson plan.
Category A: Course Design
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 A class that combines in-person or online 'synchronous' sessions with 'asynchronous' on-demand content is referred to as a hybrid class. Hybrid classes not only reduce the burden on both instructors and students but can also enhance the learning outcomes. However, it’s not as simple as just combining synchronous and asynchronous methods. We are pleased to announce a workshop on designing hybrid classes, with Dr. Mayumi Sugiura from the Center for Open Education as the lecturer.

 When designing a hybrid class, it is essential to consider whether the learning objectives align with appropriate assessment methods, what types of activities need to be incorporated, and how to effectively combine synchronous and asynchronous elements. In this workshop, participants will bring a lesson plan for a single class session and have the opportunity to experience specific methods for designing hybrid classes using a toolkit. We welcome those who are already practicing hybrid teaching as well as those who are planning to take on the challenge.

Profile Mayumi Sugiura

Associate Professor, Center for Open Education, Institute for the Advancement of Graduate Education
Graduated from the Graduate School of Human Sciences, Waseda University. Holds a Ph.D. in Human Sciences.
Based on her expertise in "educational technology" and "instructional design", she is engaged in activities to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, and attractiveness of pedagogical learning, including the development of design methods for hybrid classes and support for class implementation.

※ Please note that photographs will be taken during the session for use in publicity activities and other promotional materials. 

