
This seminar has finished

Exploring the Potential of HyFlex Classes

Date and time
2023.03.14 (Tue) 15:30-17:00
Zoom Webinar

Dr. Yu TACHIBANA (Specially Appointed Lecturer, IAGE, HU)
Dr. Harunori NAGATA (Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, HU)
Dr. Yasuo TSUJI (Professor, Graduate School of Law, HU)
Dr. Kenichi YAMAMOTO (Associate Professor, IAHE, HU)

Faculty members of higher education facilities(incl.graduate students)
500 participants
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Organized by: Center for Teaching and Learning, IAGE, Hokkaido University

 In this third year of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, many universities have resumed face-to-face classes while also incorporating the experience gained from two years of online classes.
 One effort in this regard is the introduction of HyFlex classes, where the same content is taught simultaneously in-person and online. During the second semester of the current academic year, Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) conducted a small-scale pilot project in which we lent out the necessary equipment and dispatched Support TAs to operate the equipment and support teachers at Hokkaido University (HU) with no prior experience in conducting HyFlex classes.
 This seminar will provide an overview of the planning, preparation, and implementation of the pilot project, as well as practical examples from participating teachers.
 Participants will also have an opportunity to discuss the future possibilities of implementing the HyFlex teaching, as well as other types of online, and ICT-based classes.

How to join this seminar

Please fill out the registration form on the below site to register.
Thank you very much for your application and participation.

How to participate on the day

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To join the meeting, please click on the link indicated by “Please click this URL to join”in that email.
Please fill in the required information as necessary.

*There will be no camera setup for participants in this seminar. Microphone statements are also not allowed.

On the day