
This seminar has finished

Harassment at Universities

– Actual situation and countermeasures –

Date and time
2022.09.28 (Wed) 14:30-16:00

Mr. Naohiro SATO,Ms. Eri UEDA(Specialist Consultants, Harassment Advice Service, (HU)

People belonging to educational institutions・Graduate Students
300 participants
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Organized by: Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)


 Harassment has become a well-known term. However, regardless of your position at university, whether you are a student, teacher or staff member, you may never consider yourself a victim of harassment, much less a perpetrator of it. Unfortunately, harassment is a relatively common problem at universities, and anyone could be a victim of harassment at any time.
 This seminar provides an overview of the actual situation of harassment at universities and explains what kind of behaviour constitutes harassment and what precautions should be taken.  Also, we will explain preventive measures so that you do not become a party to harassment, no matter your position. Furthermore, by introducing a fictitious case in which a student encountered harassment at university and consulted the Harassment Advice Service, we can offer useful information such as “Who should I talk to in case of an emergency?”, “What kind of support will I get if I consult the Harassment Advice Service”, and “What kind of things should I be prepared for on a daily basis?”

How to apply

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Applications are now closed.

How to participate on the day

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To join the meeting, please click on the link indicated by “Please click this URL to join”in that email.
Please fill in the required information as necessary.

*There will be no camera setup for participants in this seminar. Microphone statements are also not allowed.

Thank you very much for your application and participation.

On the day