
Accepting reservations

Communication without Harassment
- with “courtesy” as the key word

Date and time
2024.9.27 (Fri) 16:00-17:00
Zoom Webinar

Mr. Naohiro Sato(Specialist Consultant, Harassment Advice Service, Hokkaido University)

Faculty and staff members of higher education facilities(including graduate students)
Category E: Management
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  At the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), Hokkaido University, we collaborate with the Harassment Advice Service and other relevant departments to offer various training programs aimed at preventing harassment and creating a more supportive workplace. This year, we are pleased to continue our harassment prevention seminar, inviting Mr. Sato, the Specialist Consultant from the Harassment Advice Service, as a lecturer, following last year's successful seminar.

  Last year’s seminar, titled "Harassment at Universities: What is research guidance without being called harassment by students?" focused on behaviors by faculty that could be perceived as harassment, as well as actions that students might interpret as such. However, research suggests that merely conveying the definitions and specific behaviors related to harassment may not be effective or sufficient. Expanding the seminar to include elements like "courtesy" in relation to harassment prevention has proven to be more effective.

  Therefore, this year, we will focus on "courtesy" as the key theme. We aim to explore which communication practices are desirable among university members to prevent harassment in their daily interactions.


How to join this seminar

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How to participate on the day

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