
This seminar has finished

(cancel)Workshop ‘‘Effective Speaking method for presentation’’

Date and time
2020.03.23 (Mon) 15:00-17:00
Hokkaido University Multimedia Education Building, 3rd floor, Studio type Seminar Room

Ms. Junko MORI (Representative Director, Happy Arrow Inc.)

Those who are belonging to higher education facilities (including graduate students)
80 participants
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 No matter how hard you prepared, sometimes you will find that it’s very difficult to make your audience understood if your voice cannot be heard. When you have spoken for a long time, your throat feels dry, and your voice become very soft and difficult for other people to hear. No one is born with a good voice. Everyone can get a confidential and impressive voice after training and practice. There are many opportunities to talk with students in class and colleagues at university, we need to get ready in advance.
 Therefore, we invite Mrs. Junko Mori, a former announcer who is currently working as a training instructor, to hold a workshop of the speaking methods. Mrs. Junko Mori will teach us how to control your breath, use your tongue correctly while you are talking. If you need to talk for a long time in your work, or you don’t know how to make a voice from your stomach naturally, please join us and participate in this workshop and learn more speaking skills. These skills can help you to make your voice be more persuasive, and you can use these skills to create a confidential relationship during your work or your class.