
This seminar has finished

Training on academic writing (Advanced level)

Date and time
2019.01.26 (Sat) 9:00-16:00
Hokkaido University Multimedia Education Building, 4th floor, Multi-purpose classroom 2

For researchers, writing a paper in English may be something what they usually do. However, have you ever adequately learned how to write academic papers in English?
We invited Mr. Masakuni Yoshinaka from ALC Co. as a lecturer. By taking this training, the participants will acquire the fundamentals of writing necessary to compose a paper in English. In the intermediate level, you will learn how to use academic conjunctions, composition and writing in paragraphs, tips on paraphrasing. In the advanced level, you will learn differences in meaning of countable and uncountable nouns, numeric expressions, the gap between a world level in Japanese and English. Participants will also acquire more effective writing skills by correcting texts in English written by themselves.
This page is an application form for “Advanced level”.


2019/1/26(Sat.) 9:00-16:00


Hokkaido University Multimedia Education Building, 4th floor, Multi-purpose classroom 2
(Kita 17, Nishi 8, Kita-Ku, Sapporo)


Mr. Masakuni YOSHINAKA, ALC Co.


Applicants belonging to higher education facilities nationwide who have written academic papers in English (part-time lecturers are also welcomed). Participants should have TOEIC 700 to 900 points or equivalent English ability.


8 people (in case of many applicants, participants will be selected by lot)



Application reception

Until Wednesday, December 26th, 2018(Wed) Noon


Participation is free of charge, but transportation costs will not be covered.


Please submit the following materials in MS Word or PowerPoint file three weeks before the scheduled training date:Some English text that you wrote (length within 150 words).
Because the training time is limited, we will limit it to 5 people in the order of their arrival.
Any text written in academic English by yourself is good. For example, you can use some English paper and report drafts, some slides for a presentation, etc.
When applying, each applicant receives an automatic mail with a confirmation of the registration for an event. Please be aware that this is unrelated to the final acceptance of your event attendance.
In the event that the application exceeds the capacity limit, participants will be selected by a lot and results will be reported to all applicants.
If the cancellation occurs after the participant is selected, we do not extend the capacity or take more applications.
We will inform you about the acceptance or rejection to the email address you entered on the application form. Therefore, please use a personal address, not a common address such as the one belonging to your department, etc.



On the day