
This seminar has finished

Revise Your Syllabus in English

Date and time
2024/8/2 (Fri.) 16:00 – 18:00
(Reception starts from 15:40)
Hokkaido University Multimedia Education Building, 3rd floor, Studio-type seminar room
Face to Face

Dr. Michal Mazur (Assistant Professor, IAGE, Hokkaido University)

30 participants belonging to higher education institutions (including graduate students; on first come first served basis)
Category A: Course Design
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  Do you often spend hours preparing for class, thinking about next week's content, or adjusting your slides?  A well-prepared syllabus can make the academic journey easier for both you and your students. It reduces last-minute stress and provides a clear plan for the whole course. As the new semester approaches, we want to stress the importance of planning ahead.

  This workshop is tailored to help you refine your syllabus with upcoming classes in mind. This session aims to highlight the nuances of syllabus development, allowing you to benchmark your course structure against that of other participants and make necessary improvements. For those with no prior experience, the workshop will also include a brief introduction to syllabus preparation, giving you the basics to create an effective syllabus. Graduate students interested in making their future class syllabi are also welcome to join.

※A follow-up seminar on the rubric is scheduled for September.

※ Please note that photographs will be taken during the session for use in publicity activities and other promotional materials.