
This seminar has finished

Hokkaido FDSD Forum 2024

Date and time
2024.09.06 (Fri) - 2024.09.07 (Sat)
Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education, Hokkaido University
(Kita 17, Nishi 8, Kita-ku, Sapporo, Japan)
*Only the Symposium will be webcasted via Zoom webinar.
Face-to-face *Only the Symposium will be webcasted via Zoom webinar.
All interested parties are invited to attend.
Application period
2024.08.30 (Fri)
Extension of registration
・Online (symposium only) by 09.02(Mon)
・Face-to-face participation by 09.05(Thu)
Entry fee
Free for Hokkaido FD/SD Council members, 3,000 yen for others.
※ An additional 3,000 yen participation fee is needed for the Information Exchange.
*We highly recommend that participants travelling from distant locations secure accommodations in advance due to the challenging situation of booking in Sapporo.
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Organized by: Hokkaido FD/SD Council, Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

The Hokkaido FD/SD Council holds the Hokkaido FDSD Forum every year for two days from the first Friday in September as a learning opportunity to report on practices and exchange information with people from higher education institutions across Japan on the various issues we face. This year's forum will be held in person at Hokkaido University. The program will consist of a symposium, individual presentations, and group sessions. Only the symposium will be available via webinar.

The theme of the symposium is "Future Prospects for Higher Education." The post-Corona environment of higher education is rapidly changing with the advent of distance learning (use of ICT), full-fledged DX, and the debut of generative AI. These changes have implications for society at large, as we educate students and send them out into society. Therefore, we must respond quickly to these issues, as they will create the society of the future. The symposium will feature a speaker from a private company to hear what companies are thinking about the issue. There will also be speakers from universities, followed by a panel discussion.

In addition, we have prepared a variety of themes for the group sessions to ensure that not only faculty members, but also administrative staff can participate. This two-day event, which will bring together faculty and staff from supporting universities and other institutions, is one that we are also eager to see many participants in this year.

The call for individual presentations has closed. Thank you very much.

We are accepting applications for corporate booths.
At this forum, we have exhibition booths from companies related to Faculty Development (FD) and Staff Development (SD).
For inquiries please refer to this page. 


*Details on the symposium and each group session will be updated later.

11:50  Reception starts
12:20  Opening remark Dr. Fumihiko Yamamoto (Vice President/Executive Director, Hokkaido University)

Part 1 
12:25-15:00  Symposium
"Future Prospects for Higher Education"

※ Click"▶" to see the details.

12:25  Introduction to the Symposium

12:30  Keynote Speeches 

「Creating Future Classrooms:How Generative AI is Transforming Education」 Dr. Hisaho Nakata (Microsoft Japan Co., Ltd.)
  •  The use of generative AI in education is a topic of much debate. Amidst these discussions, questions arise about how to prevent academic dishonesty among students and the need to rethink assignments that can be easily solved using AI. The title of this lecture is "Creating Future Classrooms:How Generative AI is Transforming Education." This title reflects the belief that generative AI has the potential to enhance the quality of education fundamentally.
     According to a 2022 survey by the Japan Business Federation, companies are looking for individuals with qualities such as autonomy, teamwork, problem-solving skills, and logical thinking. To cultivate these attributes, there is a call for more robust problem-solving education programs and the promotion of practical educational programs in collaboration with businesses and government agencies. However, Japan's ranking in the IMD World Talent Ranking, released annually by the Swiss business school IMD, is a low 43rd out of 64 countries, with an even lower ranking of 56th in higher education.
     So, how can we develop the talent that companies are seeking? I believe that generative AI has the capability to support this challenge. In this lecture, I will introduce the potential of generative AI, including demonstrations of its capabilities.

「Nightingale and AI: The Era of Liberal Arts Begins」 Dr. Hideyuki Nakashima (President, Sapporo City University)
  •  Since the release of ChatGPT in November 2022, the evolution of generative AI has been unstoppable. The exponential technological development predicted by Kurzweil is starting to come true. In such a world, higher education must focus on conveying not just knowledge, but the mechanisms for creating that body of knowledge. At the same time, it is necessary to master the evolving and powerful tool that is AI. This is where liberal arts come into play.
     Florence Nightingale was not merely a nurse; she created a new system of nursing and proved its efficacy through the use of statistics, making her the founder of modern nursing. The essence of her writings lies in the emphasis on liberal arts, enabling nurses to think and learn independently.
     Following Nightingale’s example, we consider methods to master generative AI.

「The Progression of Declining Birthrates and Initiatives by Health Sciences University of Hokkaido」 Dr. Kumi Mikuni (President, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido)
  •  In Japan, the birthrate continues to decline with no signs of improvement. As of 2023, Hokkaido had the second lowest total fertility rate in the country, just above Tokyo. The population of 18-year-olds is steadily decreasing, posing challenges for private universities.
     To address this, we plan to open a new campus in Kitahiroshima City by the 2028 academic year. A working group has been established to manage the impact of this relocation on education. Additionally, we are exploring initiatives to improve the quality of education and would like to introduce these efforts.

「New Human Resource Development Initiatives at Hokkaido University」 Dr. Fumihiko Yamamoto (Vice President/Executive Director, Hokkaido University)
  •  In 2026, Hokkaido University will celebrate its 150th anniversary. As part of this milestone, we are launching ‘Talent Development Project’ called “Innovation Front-Runners” . This is designed to equip students with the skills and mindset needed to address complex societal challenges through innovative solutions.
    This project will leverage Hokkaido's unique environment to offer co-creation education that connects students' specialized knowledge with societal challenges. The initiative will also feature global education centered around Nitobe College and early-stage entrepreneurship education. Our goal is to build an integrated undergraduate and graduate program that further stimulates students' curiosity and motivation to pursue advanced studies. We look forward to sharing more details about this initiative.


14:15  Plenary Discussion
15:00  End of Part I & Break

Part 2 
15:15-17:20  Individual Presentations
  ※Detalis are here(See the 個人発表 section).

Part 3
17:40-19:10  Information Exchange

Venue: Hokkaido University Co-op North Cafeteria
*Those attending should pay the information exchange fee of 3,000 yen at the venue on the day of the event.

9:30  Reception starts

10:00  Group Session I ※Detalis are here(See the 分科会 section).

AEnhancing Education Through Lessons from Failure 
presented by Asahikawa Medical University, Sapporo Otani University, Hakodate University, and Hokusho University & Hokusho College

BFuture Support System for Diverse Students
presented by Sapporo University, Fuji Women's University, and Muroran Institute of Technology

11:30  End of Group Session I & Lunch Break

12:30   Group Session II

CThe Present and Future of Post-Corona Distance Learning
presented by Asahikawa Medical University, Otaru University of Commerce, Tenshi College, and Hokkai-Gakuen University

DReforming the Work Style of Busy Faculty Members 
presented by Hokkaido University, and Hokkaido University of Science

14:00  End of Group Session II & Break

14:15  Group Session III

EFuture Prospects for Higher Education」 
presented by Otaru University of Commerce, and Obihiro Otani Junior College

16:00  Closing

※Details will be updated later. Last updated:9/7

* Please note that photographs will be taken during the session for use in publicity activities and other promotional materials.