
This seminar has finished

Hokkaido FDSD Forum 2023

Date and time
2023.09.01 (Fri) - 2023.09.02 (Sat) 10:30-17:30
Sapporo Gakuin University, Shin-Sapporo Campus
(1-1, 1-jo 5-chome, Atsubetsu-Chuo, Atsubetsu-ku, Sapporo, Japan)
*only the Symposium will be webcasted via Zoom webinar
face-to-face *only the Symposium will be webcasted via Zoom webinar
Faculty members and staff of higher education facilities
Symposium (both face-to-face style and Webinar): 300 each
Each Group Session : 150
Application period
By noon, Aug 30th (Wed)
Entry fee
※4,000 yen for Information Exchange
*We highly recommend that participants travelling from distant locations secure accommodations in advance due to the challenging situation of booking in Sapporo.
*Please use public transportation to come, since there is no parking lot.
*Photographs will be taken for recording purposes. Please note that the pictures may be used on the website, in reports, etc.
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Organized by: Hokkaido FD/SD Council, Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL)

 The Hokkaido FD/SD Council holds the Hokkaido FDSD Forum every year for two days from the first Friday in September as a learning opportunity to report on practices and exchange information with people from higher education institutions across Japan on the various issues we face. Due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the forum was held online for only one day until last year. However, this year, we have decided to hold it in-person for the first time in four years.
 Our theme of this year is ‘Universities in the Post-Corona’, and participants will discuss how to make use of the knowledge gained during the three years of the Covid-19 pandemic in future university management, education, and research activities.
 The symposium will also pay special attention to the theme ‘The potential of ChatGPT in higher education institutions—from administrative work to education and research’, focusing on ChatGPT, which is a hot topic as generative AI, and discussing how it should be dealt with in higher education institutions. Lectures will be given by Prof. Kenji Araki, a natural language processing specialist (HU), and Mr. Koki Mukono (Panasonic Connect Co., Ltd.), one of the first to introduce ChatGPT in their company, followed by a general discussion including participants.
 Individual presentations will be invited from faculty and staff across Japan working on improving classes and administrative work. Five topics for Group Sessions have been prepared. This will be an opportunity for individual participants to reflect on the three years of the Covid-19 pandemic and to think about and discuss the ‘Universities in the Post-Corona’.
 The Forum actively invites faculty members and administrative staff to participate. We look forward to welcoming many participants for two days of learning together with the faculty and staff who support the university and higher education.

*Reporting parties for the Part 2 of the Individual Presentations are invited nationwide.
Please read the “Hokkaido FDSD Forum 2023 Call for Individual Presentations”


12:30  Reception starts
13:00  Opening remark Prof. Kunihito Kawanishi (President of Sapporo Gakuin University)

Part 1 
13:05~15:00  Symposium

13:05  Introduction to the Symposium

13:10  Keynote Speeches       
“How ChatGPT works and how to use it in education”
Prof. Kenji Araki (Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Division of Media and Network Technologies, HU)

“The Role of Companies in the ChatGPT Era – How to deal with generative AI”
Mr. Hiroki Mukaino (Panasonic Connect Co., Ltd.  IT・デジタル推進本部 戦略企画部 シニアマネジャー)

 14:10  Plenary Discussion
15:00  End of Part I & Break

Part 2 
15:15~17:20  Individual Presentations

※Please click here  NEW! 8/8更新

15:15  Individual Presentations (first half)
16:25  Break
16:35  Individual Presentations (second half)
17:20  End of Part 2

Part 3
17:40~19:10  Information Exchange(fee 4000yen)

 ※Please click here for the details of each Group Session as PDF.

10:00  Reception starts

10:30  Group Session I

A: ICT-enhanced Classes in the Post-Corona
 presented by
  Sapporo Gakuin University
  Hokusho University
  Tenshi College
  National Institute of Technology, Tomakomai College

B: International Exchange in the Post-Corona
 presented by
  Kitami Institute of Technology
  Asahikawa City University
  Hokkaido University of Science

12:00  End of Group Session I & Lunch Break

12:45   Group Session II

C: Post-Corona DX for Operational and Business Improvement
 presented by
  Muroran Institute of Technology
  Sapporo City University
  Hokkaido University

D: Post-Corona Student Support
 presented by
  Asahikawa Medical University
  Asahikawa City University
  Sapporo Gakuin University
  Hokkaido University of Science

14:15  End of Group Session II & Break

14:30  Group Session III

E: Potential of ChatGPT(Generative AI)for Students, Faculty and Staff
 presented by
  Muroran Institute of Technology
  Sapporo University
  Hokkaido University

16:00  End of the all session

※Details will be updated later. Last updated:11/28

Registration for participation
Please register using the ‘Entry Form’ below. Please make sure to check the events you wish to attend. When your registration is successful, you will receive a completion email. ※If you do not receive a completion email, please check your email address, and try again, or contact us via the contact form on our website.