- Date and time
- 2017.09.04 (Mon) 10:00-16:30
This seminar has finished
PFF Workshop 2017

米国では,大学教員・研究職・専門職を目指す大学院生・TA(ティーチングアシスタント)向けに,ティーチングとライティングの指導が広く行われています。特にカリフォルニア大学バークレー校のプログラムは先進的な取り組みとして知られており,これを本学に移入し,本学の教育の国際化に資するため,同校のフォンヘーネ,ソラッコ両先生をお迎えして,8回目のPFF (Preparing Future Faculty) 講座を開催します。
・ 受講者(大学院学生:留学生も歓迎)30名程度を募集します。
・ 本講座は,大学院共通授業科目として開講します。
・ 受講者は5日間で15回の講座すべてに出席できることが条件です。
・ 希望者多数の場合は,抽選により参加者を決定します。
・ 参加者には講座終了後,プログラムへの感想を含む簡単なレポートを提出していただきます。
・ 本講座修了者には修了証を発行します。
・ 本講座は,ティーチング・フェロー(TF)としての採用に必要となる研修のひとつとして認められています。
※ TFは博士課程大学院生に教育の経験を附与するとともに学部教育の充実を目的とした制度です。TFはTAよりも業務内容が幅広く,教員の管理下において,講義や成績評価ならびに教育内容の企画をすることができます。また,時間あたりの給与も高くなります。
申し込み方法 Application申し込みはメールで受け付けます。
タイトルを「Apply for PFF2017」とし,本文に①所属,②学年,③氏名(フリガナ)を記載の上,ショートエッセイ(詳細はプログラムを確認のこと)を添付してctlhokudai@high.hokudai.ac.jpまで送ってください。追って担当者から連絡します。
申し込み締め切り: 8月21日(月)8月25日(金)
チューター募集受講生と同時にチューターも募集します。過去のPFFWorkshopを受講した方が優先されます。希望者はメールで申し込んでください。タイトルを「Tutor for PFF2017」とし,本文に①所属,②学年,③氏名(フリガナ),④過去のPFF Workshop参加経験の有無を記載の上,ショートエッセイ(詳細は「チューター募集」を確認のこと)を添付してctlhokudai@high.hokudai.ac.jpまで送ってください。追って担当者から連絡します。
プログラムはPFF2017 Program
ポスターはPFF2017 Poster
In the United States, the guidance on teaching and writing has been widely provided to graduate students, TA (Teaching Assistant) and professionals who aim for becoming university teachers or apply for research positions. In particular, the program introduced by University of California, Berkeley (UCB) is known for its progressive approach, and now it has been transferred to our university in order to contribute to the internationalization of education. The current 7th PFF (Preparing Future Faculty) course will be conducted by two teachers from UCB, Linda Von Hoene and Sabrina Soracco.
・Participants: We are looking for 30 students (graduate students; foreign students are also welcomed)
・This course is one of the Graduate Common Courses
・The course will be conducted in English.
・Students must be able to attend all 15 lectures during the 5 days of course
・If the number of applicants is high, the participants will be determined by lot
・After course completion, the participants, will be asked to submit a brief report, including their impressions regarding the program
・A certificate of completion will be issued to the graduates of this course
・This course is recognized as one of the trainings required to be employed as a teaching fellow (TF)Please submit your applications until 8/218/25(Friday) *Final Deadline*
※ TF is a system for the purpose of enhancement of undergraduate education as well as to grant the experience in education to doctoral graduate students. Being a TF has a wider range of duties compared to the TA. TF can be a lecturer and do performance evaluation under the management of the faculty member, as well as planning the lesson contents. In addition, the hourly wage is higher than the TA. In order to be employed as the TF, a candidate must fulfill the following requirements: ① Completion of TF workshop, ② Earn a credit for participating in Graduate Common Course “University teacher training for graduate students” (PFF) ③ You will need to have been awarded with a certificate of completion for the Graduate Common Course “University teacher training course” in Japanese
How to apply?Applications will be accepted by e-mail.
Please put “Apply for PFF2017” as an e-mail title. In the e-mail please write your ① affiliation, ② school year, ③ name (In English and furigana). Also, ④ please attach the short essay (check the PFF2017 program for more details) and send it all to the following address: ctlhokudai@high.hokudai.ac.jp
The person in charge will contact you later.
Application period has ended.
Program:PFF2017 Program
Assistantship Available: Tutor for PFF Workshop 2017We are also offering 6 assistantship/tutor positions for people who qualify. Please check the information below for more details.
Tutor for PFF Workshop 2017※ In case of international students, please make sure you obtained a permission from the Immigration office to engage in part-time work. The required documents to apply to do part-time work are as follows: ①Passport, ②Residence Card, ③Student ID Card, ④Application for Permission to Engage in Activity Other than That Permitted under the Status of Residence Previously Granted (the form is available at the Immigration Bureau, and can also be downloaded from the Ministry of Justice website)
Application period has ended.